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Running a business is quite challenging – and at times, it makes you ponder, you know?
After three decades of running SPR, I’ve come to realize that there’s no use in getting worked up about other companies in the same field slashing their prices. Instead, I’ve set my prices to reflect my worth and cover my expenses.
I even regularly organize courses with smaller numbers, which technically goes against the norm. But I do it for the sake of providing exceptional customer service. Once I agree to a booking, I always honour it, no matter what.
Lately, I’ve noticed that course prices are skyrocketing, going up to ยฃ136 per person. Meanwhile, my standard price for most of my one-day courses is ยฃ96 per person or ยฃ150 for two people. A ยฃ40 increase? I understand the cost of living and inflation, but a 40% increase seems excessive.
I’ve observed other companies online trying to maximize their profits by engaging in shady practices like price-fixing. That’s illegal, and the word on the street is “cartel.”
Fortunately, I’ve managed to keep my costs down by investing in top-notch equipment over the years. I handle most of the courses myself, so I don’t need to hire freelancers and add to my expenses.
I strongly believe that first aid should be an affordable skill for everyone, rather than just another profit center for a practical center to support the business. Each aspect of a business should be profitable in its own right.
Additionally, I’ve heavily invested in IT to streamline my systems, both in terms of time and money. Luckily, I possess the necessary skills and genuinely enjoy working with IT. So, if you’re wondering why my pricing is what it is, now you know. You’ll receive the same course, and perhaps even more, since I have a vested interest in making it both interesting and enjoyable.